When you have a kid in your house, the situation presents its own set of challenges as well as opportunities. For example, toddlers and infants need to have their toys, clothes, and blankets stored separately to avoid germs and bacteria.
Toy and blanket chests are the ideal place to store a kid’s belongings. They provide a secluded and separate storage area away from the rest of the house where one can store the kids’ amenities in a hygienic state.
This Christmas season, a blanket chest is an ideal gift to give not only to your kid but to your neighbors and relatives too.
What kind of toy chest should you buy?
Companies compete with each other to provide the most beautiful toy and blanket chest to their customers. These beautiful furniture pieces may be as a finished product as well as an unassembled kit, which can be customized to match the home décor.
If you are going for the finished product, suppliers provide customized engravings often in the form of gold and silver letterings across multiple font design finishes. Today, vendors offer blanket chests and toy chests in various finishes such as cedar, oak, and more. Specialized vendors even provide some options such as a blanket chest made out of oak wood with a cedar base.
Expert manufacturers build blanket chests that have lids approved by the Consumer Product Safety Commission. In these blanket chests, the lid and the hinge support each other so that they do not inadvertently shut down on infant’s fingers.
Where can you buy your chest this season?
If you are looking to buy a chest, you will find them in different sizes both online as well as through brick and mortar stores. You can order one online today either as a personalized finished product or as an unfinished kit for you to assemble in your own unique way.
To order your blanket chest, please visit www.woodtoybox.com.